Biobased Carbon Mitigation
Rural Livelihood and Climate Change Adaptation
Energy Dynamics in Climate Change
Climate, Energy and Development
Research methods and scientific paper writing
Nutrient cycles in terrestrial ecosystem
Soil greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) emission
Soil carbon sequestration
Climate change
Agroforestry systems
Riparian buffer system
Watershed management
How does expansion of bush encroachment affect soil carbon sequestration and soil greenhouse gas carbon dioxide emissions in the Borena pastoral system, Ethiopia?
Global Change Processes, Landcare Research, New Zealand
Department of Natural Resources Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, Iowa, USA
Institute of Environmental Planning, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2002 - 2003 Research Associate.
1999 - 2000 Research Assistant.
Appropriate Technology and Approaches for Enhancing Food Security and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation of Smallholder Farming Systems, 2020-2025, International Atomic Energy Agency.
The potential of biochar improved soil fertility and carbon
sequestration in sub-Saharan small-holder agriculture, 2020, Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
Diversifying Cropping Systems - Traditional knowledge and Innovative approaches, 2019-2021, German DAAD, German.
Strengthening the Capacity to Address Climate Change in Ethiopia, 2018-2020, Korea International Cooperation Agency, South-Korea.
Hawassa University, Research and Development Program. 2012-2013. Net gain of soil carbon in indigenous Ethiopian home gardens to maintain sustainability and mitigate global climate change.
Hawassa University, Research and Development Program. 2012-2013. Impact of forest fire on carbon loss in Wondo Genet sub-catchment, Southern Ethiopia.
Hawassa University, Research and Development Program. 2012-2013. The effect of topographic characteristics and vegetation density and biodiversity on soil organic carbon stocks in natural forest, Wondo Genet, Southern Ethiopia.
USDA-SARE Graduate Student Grant Program. 2006-2007. Emission of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide from riparian forest buffers, warm-season and cool-season grass filters, and crop fields.
University of Iowa, Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research Seed Grant Program. 2007-2008. The effect of harvesting trees, shrubs and native grasses on soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gases CO2, N2O and CH4 flux in riparian buffers designed to provide biomass for biofuel production.
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Dependency of direct nitrous oxide emissions on fertilizer nitrogen input (http://ninput-n2oemission.blogspot.com/)
Soil greenhouse gas emissions in Africa: study lists and database (http://ghginafrica.blogspot.com/)
The effect of nitrification inhibitors on soil ammonia emissions in nitrogen managed soils (http://niandnh3.blogspot.co.nz/)
Wondo Genet home garden carbon sequestration research (http://hgcsr.blogspot.com/)
Wondo Genet College Weather Station (http://wgcws.blogspot.com/)
Technology and approaches for enhancing greenhouse gas research in developing countries (https://www.facebook.com/ATA4GHG)
Sustainable Wetlands for Sustainable Communities (https://www.facebook.com/sus.wetland/)